Tuesday, February 4, 2014


OK, thought I would post day 1 before life gets super crazy around here today … As you can see at the top bar I have added my stats (yikes) … I am heading toward my goals: 

weight- 125 lbs 
muscle - goal is to increase
Hydration - 55% 
Fat - 25% or lower 

I have had a good eating day so far and drinking my water (will confess I am not giving up my Diet Coke) … Let me get through a few more days of the program and I will share more … I watched Scott go from 250 lbs to 200 lbs in a summer, but the best part was he was no longer tired all the time and his back and knee pain went away … HE REALLY IS A NEW PERSON !!! 

I have not been hungry today and I am pumped to be doing something JUST FOR ME … Not Jeremiah's mom, Scott's wife, or 147 Co-Founder … just PLAIN OLE GWEN !!! 

MY EXERCISE - I got up 6 am to walk on the treadmill for an hour and will be doing weights 3 days a week for my upper body w/ the hand weights I have at home … NO YMCA membership needed - just whatever I have here at home !!! 

MY motivational picture for the day … 

I love Connie Britton … She is my age and a mom and I THINK SHE IS BEAUTIFUL … hee hee … I am never one to want to be someone else (I LOVE HOW GOD CREATED ME), but I love pictures to motivate me and this is one … TOMORROW I WILL POST MY BEFORE PICTURES … I am wanting the FAT TO MELT AWAY and the MUSCLES TO TONE UP !!! 

blessings, Gwen 


  1. I'm trying too to regain my strength and energy to finish the race God has set before me, Do you have a specific eating plan you are following?

  2. You are beautiful and I don't know where in the world you are going to find any fat!

  3. Gwen I love you!! You go girl and be who God created you to be!

    I too need to get on track......hopefully soon!!!

  4. Thanks sisters … excited to do something for myself !!!
